10 Easy and Natural Ways to Lower Blood Sugar Levels

High blood sugar occurs when the body can no longer transport the sugar from the blood

into the cells.

If left untreated, it can lead to diabetes.

With an estimated 50% of adults in the US diagnosed with either diabetes or pre-diabetes,

it is an issue that affects many.

We have compiled a list of 10 ways to help keep your blood sugar in check which will

keep you healthy.

#10 Get Some Sleep

10 Easy and Natural Ways to Lower Blood Sugar Levels

Sleep deprivation can cause an increase in the hormone cortisol which in turn can increase

blood sugar levels.

Aim for a good mix of a sufficient amount of sleep and good quality sleep.

Bottom line – Getting regular, quality sleep can help keep blood sugar levels in check.

#9 Keep an Eye on Your Portions

10 Easy and Natural Ways to Lower Blood Sugar Levels

Keeping your serving sizes in check will help to lower your calorie intake and maintain a healthy

weight, which in turn promotes healthy blood sugar levels.

Try using smaller plates, measuring your portion sizes, and avoiding ‘all you can eat’ restaurants.

Bottom line – By controlling your serving sizes, you can help control your blood sugar levels.

#8 Control Your Stress

10 Easy and Natural Ways to Lower Blood Sugar Levels

Stress can have a negative effect on your blood sugar levels.

Try meditating, deep breathing and exercise to help lower stress and therefore lower hormones

such as glucagon and cortisol that can cause a spike in blood sugar levels.

Bottom line – Get your stress under control to help control blood sugar levels.

#7 Stay Hydrated

10 Easy and Natural Ways to Lower Blood Sugar Levels

Drinking lots of water not only keeps you hydrated but it also helps your kidneys flush out excess

blood sugar through urine.

Bottom line – Staying hydrated can reduce blood sugar levels and lower the risk of developing diabetes.

#6 Control the Carbs

10 Easy and Natural Ways to Lower Blood Sugar Levels

If you eat too many carbohydrates, the process by which your body breaks them down into

sugars which are then moved to your cells can be effected.

This will cause blood glucose levels to rise.

Try planning your meals in advance to avoid loading up on carbs.

Bottom line – A diet low in carbohydrates can have a positive effect on blood sugar levels.

#5 Eat low GI Foods

10 Easy and Natural Ways to Lower Blood Sugar Levels

Foods with a low glycemic index such as seafood, eggs, beans, and corn are known to reduce

long-term blood sugar levels.

Focus on low GI foods that are also low in carbohydrates.

Bottom line – Choose foods that are both low GI and low in carbohydrates.

#4 Increase Your Fiber Intake

10 Easy and Natural Ways to Lower Blood Sugar Levels

Fiber helps to slow sugar absorption and carbohydrate digestion.

High-fiber foods such as fruits, vegetables, and legumes can be added to your diet to help

reduce blood sugar levels.

Bottom line – Ensure your diet includes plenty of non-carbohydrate, fiber-rich foods.

#3 Apple Cider Vinegar

10 Easy and Natural Ways to Lower Blood Sugar Levels

Apple cider vinegar influences your body’s response to sugar and can improve insulin sensitivity.

Try adding some to a salad dressing or a hot herbal tea.

Bottom line – Apple cider vinegar has many health benefits, including lowering blood sugar.

#2 Regular Exercise

10 Easy and Natural Ways to Lower Blood Sugar Levels

Getting regular exercise will help increase your insulin sensitivity, meaning your cells can use

the available sugar from your bloodstream a little easier.

Exercise also helps your muscles use the blood sugar for energy.

Bottom line – Try exercise such as swimming, walking and cycling to see an improvement in

blood sugar levels.

#1 Shed Some Pounds

10 Easy and Natural Ways to Lower Blood Sugar Levels

Maintaining a healthy weight has a significant impact on reducing the risk of many health

problems, and blood sugar levels are no exception.

Extra weight, especially around the mid-section can increase the chances of developing diabetes.

Bottom line – Keeping your waistline in check can also keep your blood sugar in check.

10 Easy and Natural Ways to Lower Blood Sugar Levels

That completes our list of 10 lifestyle changes you can make to help keep your blood sugar levels in

a healthy range.

We hope you can implement one or more into your daily schedule to notice the benefits.


About the Author
Jenny Michelle is a blogger, writer, and content creator at . She has been passionate about health, nutrition and sports since a young age. She is a firm believer that a healthy lifestyle and balanced diet combined is key to live a long and a happy life. Previously, Jenny worked as a content writer for a Marketing company.


What are your tips for lifestyle changes you can make to help keep your blood sugar levels in

a healthy range?

Share your thoughts and comments with us.