5 Easy-to-Do Yoga Poses That Will Make Your Belly Look Fit and Flat

Got belly fat?

Then you probably know how hard it is to get rid of that stubborn flab where your

waistline used to be.

The reason why you can’t seem to lose belly fat could be unrelenting stress.

Studies have found long ago that chronic stress leads to accumulation of fat in the mid-

section area.

So if aerobic and strength training exercise have failed you, you might consider turning

to stress-relieving yoga postures to get those abs you always wanted.


“Yoga can also improve your body composition

by stretching your core muscles and ridding 

you of unnecessary stress that leads

to excessive belly fat.”



To help you out, here are 5 yoga poses proven to reduce stress and strengthen the core.

1. Boat Pose


5 Easy-to-Do Yoga Poses That Will Make Your Belly Look Fit and Flat

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This yoga pose is not for the faint-hearted and is bound to give your abs a workout.

To start off, lie flat on the floor, inhale and bend your knees.

Place your hands next to your thighs, fingers pointing towards your toes.

Hinge the upper body back a bit to balance on your sitz bones.

Use your abdominal muscles to lift your feet up off the floor, shins parallel to the floor.

Extend your legs until they are at a 45-degree angle from the ground.

From the side, your body should be positioned into a V shape.

2. Dolphin Plank Pose

5 Easy-to-Do Yoga Poses That Will Make Your Belly Look Fit and Flat

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This pose is said to calm the mind, relieve stress, and help with depression.

It also strengthens the arms, legs, and core – which means you get all the benefits of yoga

with one pose.

Start with the dolphin pose, your knees slightly bent.

Walk your feet back until your shoulders are above your elbows and your upper body is

parallel to the floor.

Balance your body on your toes and your palms.

Fix your gaze on the floor while keeping your back and legs straight.

With an inhale, pull your abdominal muscles in and relax them at the exhale.

3. Upward-Facing Dog Pose



5 Easy-to-Do Yoga Poses That Will Make Your Belly Look Fit and Flat


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Yoga is all about creating a balance which is why every pose should be followed by a pose

that stretches your muscles in the opposite direction.

The upward-facing dog is great for strengthening the spine to build core strength.

Lie flat on the floor with your face facing the floor.

Move your palms towards your chest like when doing push-ups.

At an inhale, straighten your arms and lift your torso and legs up a few inches from the floor.

The only parts of your body touching the floor should be your palms and the tips of your toes.

4. Extended Triangle Pose

5 Easy-to-Do Yoga Poses That Will Make Your Belly Look Fit and Flat

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Another stress-relieving pose, the extended triangle will also give a bit of side-stretch to

your spine and abdomen.

When done in conjunction with the best diet plan, this pose is bound to flatten your stomach

area as proven by studies.

Begin by standing straight, your feet wide apart.

Raise your arms parallel to the floor.

Turn your left foot in slightly to the right and your right foot out.

At an exhale, bend your torso towards your right foot, arms still extended.

Rest your right hand on your shin, your left hand towards the ceiling and your gaze facing

your left hand.

Stay in this position for a few seconds, inhale and return to initial position.

Repeat on other side.

5. Reverse Table Top Pose



5 Easy-to-Do Yoga Poses That Will Make Your Belly Look Fit and Flat


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This pose will give your hips, pelvis, and spine a nice stretch – great for building

core strength.

Sit on the floor, legs extended in front of you, upper body pressing against your tailbone.

Bend your knees, feet flat on the floor and your palms placed behind you.

With an inhale, lift your hips while balancing on your palms and feet.

Arms should be straight, palms below the shoulders and your knees should be bent at a

90-degree angle.

Your torso and thighs should be parallel to the floor.


“If aerobic and strength training exercise

have failed you, you might consider turning to

stress-relieving,yoga postures to get those abs

you always wanted.”



Yoga poses are usually done for stress relief, flexibility and balance.

But yoga can also improve your body composition by stretching your core muscles and

ridding you of unnecessary stress that leads to excessive belly fat.

By practicing these 7 yoga poses daily, you’ll be able to get that firm belly you always

wanted in no time.










About the Author
Meighan Sembrano is an enthusiastic and passionate writer. She is a contributor to Consumer Health Digest. She has expertise in beauty and skin care articles and has also contributed in the health and fitness field. You can follow Meighan on Twitter and Facebook.


Do you practice yoga?

Have you used yoga to help flatten and firm your belly?

Share your thoughts, comments and experiences with us.