Healthy Exercise Tips and Fitness Workouts to Get in Shape for Warm Weather

Guest post by Vaileria Dennis

With the warm weather approaching many of us are looking to get into shape. With winter coming to an end we will once again be able to enjoy the great outdoors. Warm weather also means swimming, sunbathing, and trips to the beach. With all this skin to be shown in the summer we want to look our best and get rid of the weight we may have gained over the winter. Here are some tips and exercises to get into shape in time to enjoy the warm weather.


Many people may feel like they have to have an intense workout for things to make a difference. While this will get the heart rate up, the workout will do not much good if a person cannot maintain it. You should start off slowly stay by walking on a treadmill for 20 minutes a day. If you go slow at first, that is okay as long as you are staying with the routine. As the body gets used to exercise then you can increase your speed.

The same is true for an exercise program. You should do what your body can handle and allow the body the chance to get used to this new movement. This way you will be able to work out every day or close to everyday which will help put the body into fat burning mode.

Healthy Exercise Tips and Fitness Workouts to Get in Shape for Warm Weather


Set Small Goals

While some of us may be looking to lose 100 pounds, you should start with smaller goals. Within the first two weeks of exercising you can aim to lose five pounds. If you meet this goal, you can aim to lose another five pounds in the next two weeks. You can congratulate yourself or tell your friends and family when you meet these goals. This will help you stay motivated and keep with your program in time to get in shape for the warm weather and beyond. If you aim to lose your total amount right away, a couple pounds may not seem like a big deal. You will often get discouraged and stop the weight loss exercises and any diets that you are following.


Healthy Exercise Tips and Fitness Workouts to Get in Shape for Warm Weather

Find a Friend

We are most likely to stick to a healthy lifestyle and exercise plan if we have someone there for support. Find a friend or family member to go for a brisk walk with. Even walk the dog on a regular basis for the company. Working out with someone will allow you to encourage each other and keep each other on task. This will also allow for the chance to socialize a little, so exercising feels less like something that has to be done and more like something that you want to do. There is nothing better than going for a nice walk outside when the weather is turning warm.

Healthy Exercise Tips or Fitness Workouts to Get in Shape for Warm Weather

Fit Exercise in Around Your Life

Many people do not feel like there is enough time in a day. They cannot get their work, and family responsibilities done let alone find the time to exercise. If you are too busy to go to the gym you need to find an exercise plan that will fit into your schedule. In the morning, you can do squats, push ups, and other moves before going to work. Swimming is a great exercise that can be done for leisure and aerobic reasons in the warm weather. Exercise videos can be done any time. There are also many apps and weight loss programs online that can be done for the home.

With all of these options to exercise there is no excuse not to get up and to move. When possible, take the stairs instead of an elevator. Park further away from the entrance of a story to get some additional steps in. Making these changes can help you get used to burning more calories and living a healthier lifestyle.

Healthy Exercise Tips or Fitness Workouts to Get in Shape for Warm Weather

Find Inspiration

Staying on an exercise plan has just as much to do with the mind as it does the body. Buy a pair of shorts or a swimsuit that is a size or two smaller than your current size. Every week or so try it on. Soon you will notice that it fits better. This will help you stay motivated and show that you are making progress. When you reach one of your short term weight loss goals, you can celebrate by purchasing a new and short item of clothing.

These are just some ways to get in shape and stay motivated to look good in the warm weather. In the winter, we are often shut in and covered up. Following these tips can help you develop an exercise plan and get into shape. In the warmer months, you will not only look great but will have the confidence to enjoy warm weather activities as well.

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About the author
Vaileria Dennis is a Health and Beauty expert, having 10 years of experience in the Beauty industry. She works on behalf of as a content coordinator for the categories Health and Beauty. She is also passionate about fitness, women’s issues and more. In recent years, she has had an opportunity to learn about Food and Nutrition. She is always excited to share her ideas related to skin science, healthy food recipes, and diet plans.

Photos courtesy of Shutterstock and


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