Few will deny that sex is a very hot topic!

How many times a day do you see an article, engage in a discussion or hear a media report

about the subject of sex?

Do often wonder why so much attention is paid to this topic?

What’s all the fuss about?

Is the constant focus warranted?

Sure, we know that a healthy intimate relationship can make us feel good, but did you know

that sex is actually quite good for your health–both mentally and physically?


A healthy, active #sex life can help us to reduce #stress, bolster #self-esteem and foster feelings of #intimacy and build a closer bond between partners.Click To Tweet



We’re human, so sometimes when we’re stressed out, the last thing on our minds is sex.

In fact, it can seem quite unappealing when we’re tired and just want to get to sleep.

But just like how we may not feel like exercising when we’re stressed out, it’s really one of

the best things for us.

(I’ll have to remind myself of this the next time I have a headache.)

Reams of clinical research confirm that a healthy sex life can help you live a longer, healthier

and more enjoyable life.

“Sexually active people 

take fewer sick days.”


According to sexual health expert, Yvonne K. Fulbright, PhD, “Sexually active people take

fewer sick days”.

That makes sense because people who have sex regularly have higher levels of antibodies that

defend the body against germs, viruses, and other intruders.

Say yes more often and watch the daily stress wither away.

A healthy, active sex life can help us to reduce stress, bolster self-esteem and foster feelings of

intimacy and build a closer bond between partners.


Did you know?

Want to Boost Your Immunity? Have More Sex! Surprising Reasons Why Sex is Good for Your Health: Infographic

Sex burns up to 300 calories per hour.

Okay, most of use probably won’t be going for a full hour, but it’s good for your waistline for sure.

It boosts your immune system.

A study of college students in Pennsylvania found that those who had sex once or twice per week

had increased immuniglobin A.

It might help you live longer.

In various studies, it has been reported that regular sex can boost your longevity.

More good news:

Besides being a great way to raise your heart rate, sex helps keep your estrogen and testosterone

levels in balance.

Men who had sex at least twice a week were half as likely to die of heart disease as men who had

sex rarely according to a research study.

And the best thing of all is sex is absolutely free.

You’ll never break the budget having more sex, so enjoy.

Check for aids to improve your sex life.


Now, Just in Case You Need a Reminder: 

Want to Boost Your Immunity? Have More Sex! Surprising Reasons Why Sex is Good for Your Health: Infographic

Some of the most significant health benefits of a healthy sex life include:

1. Boosts immunity 

2. Lowers heart attack risk

3. Reduces blood pressure

4. Provides exercise

5. Aids in pain relief

7. Reduces stress

8. Improves sleep

9. Aids bladder control in women

10.Increases sense of  intimacy

11. Improves Your Relationship

12. Increases libido

As with exercise, consistency helps maximize the benefits, so it just makes sense

to make it a habit.


A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words

The infographic below illustrates some of the key benefits of a healthy sex life and provides

fascinating statistics surrounding this topic.

For example, did you know that in a typical sex session lasting 25 minutes, men will on

average burn 100 calories and women will burn 69?

Want to Boost Your Immunity? Have More Sex! Surprising Reasons Why Sex is Good for Your Health: Infographic

Infographic courtesy of Evoke


Were you aware of the health benefits associated with a healthy sex life?

What do you think about the health benefits of sex?

Are there other benefits that we didn’t mention here?

Share your thoughts and comments with us?