If you’re anything like me(I know you didn’t just seriously think you could be me), then you

must have a sugar habit (yea I’ll give it to you, we have that in common).

It’s more than just a habit, its addictive!

You head out in the morning on the way to work and tell yourself it’s ok to grab a Baskin Robins

ice cream milkshake at 7 in the morning.

It tastes good, so who the hell cares, right?

Well….before you know it summer will be here and we’d wish we were back in front of Baskin Robins

at those 7 am run-ins, telling ourselves that that creamy and oh so delicious milkshake will not be

worth it when we’re trying to fit our sorry asses in a bikini so small that even Kylie Jenner couldn’t

even fit( now that’s small!).

Don’t worry ladies, Amateur Health Guru to the rescue!

I’ve decided why not help us all kick those nasty sugary habits.

10 Steps To Finally Kick That Sugar Habit For Good

It’s time to kick that sugar habit once and for all! Start by eating your fruit without extra sugar.

Listed below are 10 steps to finally kick that damn sugar habit for good:

1. Drink Water!

Sounds crazy, but sometimes sweet cravings are a sign of dehydration.

So pound a glass of water, wait 5 minutes and then see if you still have the craving.

Tip: Try consuming half to a gallon of water a day. Not only will it clear up your skin,

but it’ll be easier to stay full instead having a glass at a time.


2. Reduce or eliminate caffeine.

Too much caffeine mimics a blood sugar crash — you’re high for a bit but then you come

crashing down and crave….SUGAR, of course.


3. Swap in sweet veggies, fruit and spices.

Your tongue has sweet taste buds that demand to be satisfied, so don’t hold out on ‘em!

Add naturally sweet foods and spices to your diet like squash, yams, carrots, beets, berries,

figs, and apples.

Cinnamon is a blood sugar stabilizer, and coriander, nutmeg,cloves, and cardamom will also

lend sweet flavor to your foods.

10 Steps To Finally Kick That Sugar Habit For Good

Power down an hour earlier than usual, and notice how your cravings disappear.

4. Sleep

For many of us, this is easier said than done.

But if you’re constantly tired, your body is going to look for energy, usually in the form or

sugar or caffeine.

Power down an hour earlier than usual, and notice how your cravings disappear.


5. Check your protein

This is a fun, cool fact — watch how much protein and what kind of protein you’re eating,

especially animal protein.

Eating too little animal protein can lead to massive sweet cravings.

Eating too much animal protein can lead to sweet cravings.

When I work with clients we find just the right sweet spot for protein intake so they

feel satisfied.


6. Sniff out low-fat and fat free foods

When food manufacturers take the fat out of foods, what do they put in?

Yep, sugar.

10 Steps To Finally Kick That Sugar Habit For Good

Get moving! When you don’t move enough, the body starts to look for other ways to blow off steam, like bingeing on Snickers bars.

7. Move yo’ self

Movement is another kind of food for your body.

It releases stress, makes you feel great and look great.

When you don’t get enough, the body starts to look for other ways to blow off steam, like

bingeing on Snickers bars.


8. Mom’s advice was right….[chew, chew, chew!]

Chewing gets rid of cravings by releasing the natural sugars in foods.

Plus, it makes eating really pleasurable, so you’re less likely to crave more food.


9. New post-meal rituals

If you’re a “dessert after your meal” person, one of things you might love about that is the ritual of it.

What are other possibilities for post-meal rituals?

10 Steps To Finally Kick That Sugar Habit For Good

The next time you have a craving, instead of grabbing a Snickers, grab your Sweetness Menu instead.

10. Discover the your sweetness in your life

So often we settle for a Snickers when what we really want is a nap, a hug, sex, time to read a

good book, a walk outside, something slow and lovely that allows us to relax.

What a bummer that instead of giving ourselves the sweet things in life, we settle for a lame

brown candy bar.

Create a “Sweetness Menu” on your smartphone and list all the things that make life sweet to you.

The next time you have a craving, instead of grabbing a Snickers, grab your Sweetness Menu instead.

So there you have it: 10 steps to bring the boys(and girls) to your yard!

10 Steps To Finally Kick That Sugar Habit For Good

About the author:
Trissyann Tracey is the founder of Amateur Health Guru. She is a writer, Health Coach, Cardiac Expert and Weight-loss Transformation Specialist. She’s passionate about educating and showing people how to live happier and healthier lives. Her online website, Amateur Health Guru, launches in May.


Do you have a sugar habit?

What are you doing to kick that habit?

Share your suggestions, thoughts and comments with us.