Screen time is a part of many regular routines and habits. It’s one of the fastest ways that we can access news, entertainment and other forms of media, however one should always strive for balance between the tactile and digital worlds.



Here are some practical ways to help reduce screen time at home:

5 Practical Ways to Reduce Kids' Screen Time at Home 

Establish boundaries at home

Devices don’t have to be utilized in every circumstance, and in every area of your home. As parents, you have the ability to decide what times and places are appropriate for technology. Some families might choose to have no phones in the bedroom, or at the dinner table. Other families might focus more on appropriate times to have technology, requiring devices be turned in at a set time.


Utilize parental controls and smart tools

Most devices have parental controls which can help you set both time allowances, as well as content permissions for devices your children can access. This might be a good solution, especially if your children bring their devices with them, like to school

5 Practical Ways to Reduce Kids' Screen Time at Home 

Set aside regular, tech-free family time

It’s important to bond as a family, over a shared experience or passion. Consider tech-free times as a family, and make them a habit. Phones and tablets can be placed in a basket, or left in another room, while you spend time connecting IRL.


Screen time is a privilege, and not a right

As a parent, you have the right and authority to make healthy decisions for your children, along with establishing an expectation of behavior. If those expectations are broken, there might be consequences.

Learn more about some of the practical ways to help reduce screen time at home shared in this infographic from  SuperCleaning Louisville.




What are your best tips for reducing your kids’ screen time at home?

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