When people try to lose weight or put on muscle, they typically choose to follow some fad diet or workout that promises them quick results in a matter of weeks. However, more often than not, we are likely to fall back into old habits the day that these programs end. If you’re serious about making overall changes to your lifestyle, it’s important to do it over time. Especially as we grow older, our bodies will require different needs for healthy aging. Implement these quick and easy tips incrementally and you will be setting yourself up for success in the long run.

5 Steps for Healthy Aging



As we grow older, our bodies have different needs to ensure #healthy #aging. If you’re serious about making overall changes to your lifestyle, it's important to do it over time. Click To Tweet



Keep up with your sex life

Many people wish to carry on an active sex life long into their golden years, however, changes to our bodies and taboos can make it difficult. As aging occurs, everyone undergoes adjustments to their hormonal balance; men drop testosterone levels, while estrogen levels drop in women. Men have a greater risk of erectile dysfunction as they age. The same can be said for women when it comes to a decreased sex drive. However, the key to a healthy sex life as you age is open communication with your partner and addressing medical issues when they arise.

5 Steps for Healthy Aging

Maintain protein levels

At different ages, our bodies require different levels of protein. Studies have found that from ages 50-65, you should actually eat less protein. Protein can raise levels of Insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1), which has been linked to age-related diseases like cancer. At the same time, people over the age of 65 who eat high-protein diets actually experience lower mortality rates. The key to healthy aging is that while you need to maintain whichever protein level suits you, it is just as important that you get your protein from healthy options like vegetables, beans, and nuts rather than animals.

5 Steps for Healthy Aging

Quit your vice

It can be extremely difficult to break habits like smoking and alcohol, but it’s imperative to your long term health. Depending on how long you have been performing these habits, you may always have a greater risk for certain diseases, but quitting will help you lower these risks. Even if you can’t outright give it up, reduced use is better than nothing. The CDC has a helpful guide for quitting smoking with statistics and resources readily available.

5 Steps for Healthy Aging

Develop a skincare routine

It may not be the first thing that comes to mind when you think of healthy aging, but your body’s largest organ needs attention too. That’s right, your skin. As one of the clear signs of aging, many people try to keep away wrinkles as long as possible. In order to do so, it’s important that you moisturize every single day. You should also make attempts to keep out of direct sunlight for too long and routinely apply sunscreen as well. Unsurprisingly, one of the many benefits of healthy skin is a reduced risk of skin cancer.

5 Steps for Healthy Aging

Receive proper screenings and tests

As our bodies age, we become at risk for different diseases and ailments, such as various cancers or high blood pressure. In the case of treating or preventing any of these, it’s important that you monitor your vitals with routine tests and catch disease early on with screenings. From Alzheimer’s to breast cancer, and everything in between, early diagnosis is key. Based on your gender and age, what is required may be different as well. The chart should help you decide what is best for you.

5 Steps for Healthy Aging - As we grow older, our bodies have different needs to ensure #healthy #aging.  If you’re serious about making overall changes to your lifestyle, it's important to do it over time.   #healthy #aging  #healthyliving #livingwell  #agingwell  #healthyseniorliving  #seniorhealth  #growingolder #healthylifestyle 


Infographic from forhims.com


What are your favorite healthy aging tips?

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5 Steps for Healthy Aging - As we grow older, our bodies have different needs to ensure #healthy #aging.  If you’re serious about making overall changes to your lifestyle, it's important to do it over time.   #healthy #aging  #healthyliving #livingwell  #agingwell  #healthyseniorliving  #seniorhealth  #growingolder #healthylifestyle