Skin care has been around for ages. Women, as well as men, invest in different products to achieve the perfect skin that everyone wants. However, with our obsession with making our skin look flawless, we are causing more harm than we think.

Proper skin care helps in maintaining the skin’s #health. No matter how you want to care for your #skin, do it accordingly and adequately. Don’t overdo it but also don’t neglect it.Click To Tweet
Here are the things you should seriously stop doing to your skin:
6 Things You Need To Stop Doing To Your Skin ASAP

1. Not Consulting Professionals

If you are planning to get plastic surgery, you consult with some experts first, right? Since it’s a significant change in your body, you contact healthcare services like to discuss crucial points about surgery. You should take the same initiative when it comes to skin care because anything that you put on your body could pose as a risk.
Even if applying various creams and essences seems harmless to you, that’s not entirely true. You could be allergic to one of its ingredients, or your skin might react badly from the product. You have to take precaution even if it’s DIY or made of natural ingredients.
Everyone has different skin types, and experts would know yours. They’ll examine and evaluate your skin to determine which products will work best for you. This way, you spend your money only on safe and effective products.
6 Things You Need To Stop Doing To Your Skin ASAP

2. Neglecting Sunscreen

The sun’s harmful UV light is our skin’s enemy. Sunburns, skin damage, premature skin aging, and skin cancer are some of the things that it might cause. Everyone should always apply sunscreen even if people with light skin are more at risk than people with darker skin. Its because dark-skinned people have more melanocytes, which makes up the pigment called melanin. And, melanin protects the skin against harmful UV rays.
When you go to the beach, never forget to pack your bottle of sunscreen. These are the times when people should never forget to use sun protection. If you want your skin to stay healthy, always put some when you go out in daytime. The sun doesn’t pick a day when to emit its harmful rays so always protect your skin.
6 Things You Need To Stop Doing To Your Skin ASAP

3. Not Getting Enough Sleep

has many adverse effects on our body including poor skin health. Sleeping is a time for the body to recover from all the stress it went through during the day. Lack of sleep causes the body to release cortisol, which breaks down collagen. The skin needs collagen to keep it smooth and elastic.
Here are some of the harmful effects where your skin can suffer because of insufficient sleep:

  • Puffy eyes
  • Dark circles under your eyes
  • Sallow skin
  • Fine lines
  • Premature aging
  • Lackluster skin

6 Things You Need To Stop Doing To Your Skin ASAP

4. Sleeping with Makeup On

It doesn’t matter if you sleep a full eight hours every night but didn’t bother to remove your makeup before you hit the pillows. You have to wash your face every night, so your skin is fresh and clean before you sleep.
Makeup can clog your pores, which can cause them to look larger. Remove everything that you put on your face before going to bed. Makeup left on during the night can cause inflammation and lead to breakouts.
6 Things You Need To Stop Doing To Your Skin ASAP

5. Taking Hot Showers

Anything done excessively is bad for you, and that includes taking a bath. Long showers, especially the hot ones, is not a good idea. You might think it makes you cleaner but it is terrible for your skin.
Water can strip the skin’s natural oils. The ideal length of showers is less than 10 minutes. It’s also much better if you use lukewarm or cold showers instead of hot ones, so you don’t damage the skin barrier. They may feel good at the moment, but steaming showers can cause dry and flaky skin.
Top 5 Essential Oils for Healthy Skin 

6. Not Having Your Skin Checked

Medical and dental checkups have already become part of our lives. Most people make it a point to show up at those appointments. However, skin checkups are not very common. Usually, people only go when something extremely concerning has happened.
You might think that those new spots on your skin are harmless, so you deem it unnecessary to have it checked. While it could really be harmless, there is still a slight chance that it’s dangerous. Early detection of skin problems is an excellent way to prevent more serious skin diseases like skin cancer.
Have your skin checked at least yearly. Don’t just make an appointment with the doctor only when things start to get itchy, red, or scaly. Sometimes serious skin diseases can start from spots that don’t directly make you feel uncomfortable.
The skin is the largest organ of the body. It covers us from head to toe and acts as a barrier from external organisms. Proper skin care helps in maintaining the skin’s health. No matter how you want to care for your skin, do it accordingly and adequately. Don’t overdo it but also don’t neglect it.
What are your favorite skin care tips?
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6 Things You Need To Stop Doing To Your Skin ASAP - Proper skin care helps in maintaining the skin’s health. No matter how you want to care for your skin, do it accordingly and adequately. Don’t overdo it but also don’t neglect it. #skin  #skincare  #healthyskin  #skinhealth  #properskincare