Most people get excited about straightening their teeth for cosmetic reasons. It is no surprise that the perfect smile helps most of us feel better about ourselves and how we look. Did you know that a giant smile naturally tightens the surrounding skin of your mouth? This helps your skin look firmer and younger! The great thing is that the benefits don’t end at physical appearance when straightening your teeth. Many dental and health benefits of straightening your teeth, and these benefits will continue to help you for the rest of your life!



9 Health Benefits of Straightening Your Teeth

Easier Homecare

It’s no secret that crooked teeth can create difficulty when brushing and flossing. It can be extra challenging to remove plaque wedged in between turned, twisted, or crowded teeth. Studies show that brushing and flossing becomes more comfortable when our teeth are in ideal alignment, and our brushing and flossing efforts become more effective.

Plaque is composed of bacteria that can lead to decay, gum disease, and bad breath. None of us wish for decay, gum disease, or bad breath for ourselves or anyone we love. Yet, it is a daily struggle for some of us despite us doing the best we can with daily brushing and flossing. The chances are that you have heard “daily brushing and flossing is important” for years. It’s probably even more essential for us to dental professionals stress the importance of effectively removing plaque. For many of us with crooked teeth, effectively removing plaque, isn’t possible with how our teeth are currently aligned. One of the best ways to ensure that we can efficiently and effectively remove plaque is by straightening our teeth.


Improved Gum Health

Since homecare and controlling bacteria in the oral cavity is a significant factor in our gum health, it is no surprise that those who have straightened teeth have improved gum health. When our teeth are straight, they tend to fit better with our gum tissue. Usually, in crowded teeth areas, we see more plaque build-up, leading to more inflammation. Over time, if this bacteria isn’t properly managed and removed, it can lead to more severe gum problems such as periodontal disease.

9 Health Benefits of Straightening Your Teeth

Clearer Speech

Did you know that straight teeth and clear speech have been related?

It’s true; how your teeth are aligned to each other affects how you enunciate words. Misaligned teeth or a narrow jaw could make certain sounds hard to pronounce. Some people have even noticed their lisp disappear after orthodontic work.  If you feel like the way you talk affects your personal life or career, you may benefit from straightening your teeth.


Better Digestion

Chewing is an essential part of our body’s digestion process. Chewing is the first step in breaking down our food to draw the nutrients it needs for energy and keep our body healthy. Correcting misaligned teeth makes chewing more comfortable and practical. When our teeth fit together correctly, they can mash and grind our food into smaller pieces for our body to use.

9 Health Benefits of Straightening Your Teeth

Less Chipped Or Cracked Teeth

Teeth that are misaligned are more likely to crack and chip. Each of our teeth has an ideal way of occluding or fitting together. When our teeth are out of perfect alignment, they tend to have more stress put on certain areas than others. This excessive force causes them to wear unevenly and can sometimes lead to chipping or cracking.


Less Headaches And Neck Pain

Studies have shown that those with misaligned teeth are more likely to experience bruxism. Bruxism is the technical term for grinding or clenching our teeth. Those who clench and grind may notice wear on their teeth, but many also experience headaches and neck pain. For many of these patients, if we can eliminate the bruxism by straightening their teeth, their headaches and neck pain may also subside.

9 Health Benefits of Straightening Your Teeth

Improved Self Esteem And Confidence

Feeling confident in your smile can affect both your personal and professional life. If you are unsure how your crooked front teeth look, you probably will be hesitant to smile for your next interview or work portraits. Studies have shown that those who feel confident about their smile feel more confident in other areas of their life. Those who feel good about their smile are also more likely to smile more often!



Reduced Risk Of Medical Diseases

There is a correlation between plaque inflammation and systemic diseases like diabetes. Those who have diabetes are more likely to struggle with gum tissue inflammation and periodontal disease. Likewise, those with periodontal disease are at an increased risk for developing diabetes. Dental plaque and heart disease have also been linked. Since can reduce the amount of plaque present in the mouth, it can also reduce one’s risk of diabetes and heart disease.

9 Health Benefits of Straightening Your Teeth

Enjoy Healthier Teeth

As mentioned earlier, teeth that are misaligned deal with a lot of added stress. Plaque, uneven wear, and cracks all pose a threat to our teeth’s enamel.  When we move our teeth into an ideal alignment, we can save the enamel layer. This layer is the most robust and most protective layer on our teeth!

We want you to know that when it comes to enjoying straighter teeth and a beautiful smile, it’s never too late! Whether you are 16 or 80 years old, you also can benefit from a perfect smile. Many teeth straightening options and teeth straightening methods are available today, yet the teeth straightening benefits are similar for all of them. Easier homecare, improved gum health, fewer headaches, and a boost in confidence are just a few of the benefits that can come with straightened teeth. Whether you relate to one or all of the benefits, straightening your teeth will benefit your health and your smile!


Have you had your teeth straightened?

Share your thoughts and comments with us.



9 Health Benefits Of Straightening Your Teeth - Feeling confident in your smile can affect both your personal and professional life. Many teeth straightening options and teeth straightening methods are available today. Easier homecare, improved gum health, fewer headaches, and a boost in confidence are just a few of the benefits that can come with straightened teeth. #dentalcare  #oralcare  #teeth #teethstraightening  #dentist  #dentalhealth  #straighteningyourteeth