Tooth replacement options restore self-confidence and improve self-esteem. Patients who are missing teeth review all possible replacement devices and weigh the pros and cons of each choice. The assessment shows several benefits of dental bridges and crowns and how effective the devices are. Patients who are considering bridges or crowns review vital details including how long the bridges or crowns tend to last.



What are Dental Bridges?

Dental bridges are used to replace sections of teeth and make the replacement look as natural as possible. The teeth are connected and bonded to the gum line. At each end of the dental bridge are dental crowns that are connected to natural teeth. The permanent bridges are positioned anywhere in the mouth as an effective tooth replacement choice. However, removable bridges are also available that are held in place with an adhesive. Finding dental offices nearby gives patients access to a dental professional who offers more extensive information about dental bridges and other tooth replacement options.

Estimating the Lifespan: How Long Do Dental Bridges and Crowns Tend to Last?

What are Dental Crowns?

Dental crowns are constructed from a mold of the natural teeth. Next, the dental professional grinds the tooth down to a cone-like shape, and the dental crown is affixed over the natural tooth. The crown is secured with an abutment and adhesive. Dental crowns are used to protect a tooth that was repaired or has become misshapen. Dentists apply crowns to create more proportionate teeth that line up perfectly.


What is the Projected Longevity of Dental Bridges and Crowns?

The projected longevity of dental bridges and crowns is about 15 years. However, the dental patient has to visit the dentist regularly for checkups and assessments for evaluating the condition of the crown. Repairs are needed if the crown is damaged, and it is recommended that the patient schedules the appointment as soon as the damage is found.

How the crowns are used might play a role in how long they last, too. For example, dental crowns are applied at the end of a root canal to provide better protection for the tooth. However, if the root canal falls, the tooth continues to rot and damages the crown. Under the circumstances, it is more likely that the tooth is extracted and replaced with either a bridge or a dental implant.

Estimating the Lifespan: How Long Do Dental Bridges and Crowns Tend to Last?

What Factors Affect Bridges and Crowns?

Several factors contribute to damaged bridges and crowns. Smoking is the most detrimental to any tooth replacement device. Tar and nicotine create permanent stains that won’t come off with brushing or even teeth whitening treatments. Over time, smoking increases the risk of complete destruction of the crown or bridge.

Alcohol and drug use also increases the risk of damaged crowns or bridges. Patients are advised to limit alcohol intake and avoid any controlled substances that weren’t prescribed by a doctor.

Acidic foods and beverages are also likely to reduce the longevity of the bridge or crown. The acids eat through the composite resin or porcelain used to replace the natural tooth.

Tooth replacement devices are used to restore the smile and give patients back the ability to chew and speak effectively. The right replacement device lasts for over a decade and provides amazing benefits for the patients. Maintaining the tooth replacement device, such as crowns and bridges extends the longevity of the products and gives the patient a beautiful smile.


Do you have or need to get dental bridges or crowns?

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Estimating the Lifespan: How Long Do Dental Bridges and Crowns Tend to Last? -The right replacement device lasts for over a decade and provides amazing benefits for the patients. Maintaining the tooth replacement device, such as crowns and bridges extends the longevity of the products and gives the patient a beautiful smile. #dental  #teeth  #toothreplacement  #dentalbridges  #dentalcrowns