Going green is a thriving trend in America, and for good reason. Investing in greener technology and reducing our carbon footprint will make the world a better place for the future generations to live in. More and more, people are becoming conscious of the subtle ways in which we waste and cause harm to the planet around us.

If you’re thinking about going green, here are some of the areas you can tackle that will have the greatest effect on your carbon footprint.


“Lifestyle changes are the

key to living a healthier,

greener lifestyle.”


Rethinking Household Infrastructure

Going Beyond Recycling: Green Tips for the Modern Family

You can make major steps in reducing your carbon footprint by rethinking your home’s green level. The most obvious place to start is with solar energy. Investing in solar has long-term practical applications that include lowering your power bill, but there are other ways to change a home’s systems for improved eco-friendliness.

A is built to detect subtle changes in the home and adjust temperatures accordingly. Using a combination of fuel sources, systems like these can choose the most energy-efficient ways to control your home’s temperature.

Updating Instead of Replacing

Going Beyond Recycling: Green Tips for the Modern Family

Giving your wooden furniture a refinish, or giving your carpets a deep cleaning to revitalize them are examples of simple ways you can refresh your home rather than replacing the existing pieces. Some replacement is necessary when it comes to new lighting or bathroom fixtures, but you can do a lot with what’s already there.

You just have to have some ideas on how to get creative. Natural wood is a great substance to work with, so aside from furniture look for flooring and walls to refinish and re-stain. It takes work to get them sanded down right, but the results can be beautiful to behold.


“Investing in greener technology

and reducing our carbon footprint will

make the world a better place for the

future generations to live in.”


Replacing Lighting

Going Beyond Recycling: Green Tips for the Modern Family

The feels that LED lighting will fundamentally change the way we light our homes in the coming decades. Using 75% less power than the alternative, LED lighting last long and provide ample lighting for most spaces.

One way to use LED lighting for a natural, white light is beneath cabinets. Accent lighting can be timed, so you utilize more power efficient lighting at night when you’re more likely to need low visibility to see where you’re going, as opposed to high-intensity lighting.

Shopping Smarter

Going Beyond Recycling: Green Tips for the Modern Family

There are a few ways you can shop smarter and live greener in the process. There’s a myth that buying eco-friendly products is more expensive than the alternative, although like any myth there’s some truth.

The first step in living a greener lifestyle is to reduce. Trim your shopping list as much as you can and sell off the things you don’t need (or donate them to people who can use them).

Next, avoid future traps that create more waste. No more buying wrapping paper, use newspaper or use reusable boxes or bags to gift items. Don’t buy many individual servings. Reusable food storage can be used to convert bulk items into individual servings.


“With these changes, you can

reduce your home’s green footprint

in noticeable ways that lead

to real savings.”


Final Thoughts

Going Beyond Recycling: Green Tips for the Modern Family

Lifestyle changes are the key to living a healthier, greener lifestyle. You need to be prepared to make some sacrifices, but they don’t have to be terribly painful. Adjusting your thermostat, or investing in a new smart thermostat that tracks your comfort level, can save you hundreds each year.

Don’t worry if you can’t afford solar. With these changes, you can reduce your home’s green footprint in noticeable ways that lead to real savings.


What are your favorite green living tips?

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Going Beyond Recycling: Green Tips for the Modern Family