Green Cleaning 101: Healthy, Green and Natural Ways to Clean Your Home - Infographic
Ahh! We all love the look, feel and smell of a fresh, clean home!

It’s so satisfying!

But have you ever thought about the safety of cleaning products you use in your house

apartment, garage or even your car?

Do you have a clue what is in the products that you clean your home with daily?

Most of us are lulled into submission by catchy, clever ads for “miracle” cleaning

products that are often full of chemical toxins.

Imagine the irony of “cleaning” your home with unclean “toxic products”!

That’s just what we are doing when we slather our walls, floors, doors, sinks, drains,

stoves, counters, toilets, tubs and more with some of the cleaning products we regularly

buy and use.

Have you ever taken the time to take a closer look at the ingredients in these products?

You will most likely see that many of products are very dangerous to be exposed to.

Green Cleaning 101: Healthy, Green and Natural Ways to Clean Your Home - Infographic

And did you know that exposure to many of the household chemicals found in soaps,

detergents, bleaching agents, polishes, and specialty glass, oven, and bathroom cleaners

can cause serious reactions and contribute to indoor air pollution.

In fact, the US Poison Control Centers confirmed that cleaning products may be

responsible for up to 10% of all toxic exposures.

And according to the Washington Toxics Coalition the most dangerous cleaning products

are oven cleaners, acidic toilet bowl cleaners, and corrosive drain cleaners.

These products contain highly volatile corrosive chemicals that can burn the skin and eyes,

as well as the throat and esophagus when ingested.

Bleach and ammonia are other well-known cleaning agents that are highly toxic and emit

fumes which can irritate the eyes, nose, throat, and lungs.


Did you know that mixing

bleach and ammonia

can be fatal?


These commonly used household chemicals are especially dangerous to adults and children

with existing health issues, like asthma, lung, or heart problems.

And did you know that mixing bleach and ammonia can be fatal?

Some household chemicals may not produce immediate health effects, such as irritation,

but may release low levels of toxins into your surrounding environment.

It’s no wonder our indoor air quality is so compromised!

In addition, some all-purpose cleaners react to create carcinogens that absorb through

the skin.

It all adds up to a very “unclean” and “unhealthy” house cleaning debacle.

Fortunately for us, there are many safe, green, natural and effective cleaners to either

buy or make yourself with a few simple household ingredients most of us have on hand.

Ready to Go Green and Clean?

Green Cleaning 101: Healthy, Green and Natural Ways to Clean Your Home - Infographic

Like many people, I now make my own cleaning products with lemon, vinegar, baking soda

and other common household ingredients.

The handy infographic below illustrates smart and simple tips for finding the right green

cleaning products, learning how to decode labels, which products to ditch and ways to make

 DIY cleaning solutions using safe household products and ingredients.

How to Keep Your House Green and Clean

Infographic courtesty of


Did you know that many household cleaning products contain harmful chemicals?

Do you make your own green cleaning products?

What are your favorite green cleaning hacks?

Share your thoughts and comments with us.