Hearing loss is a part of life that is inevitable for many as we get older, as it is a natural part of the aging process. Hearing loss can also be caused by loud noises. Extended exposure to high noise levels, such as concerts or loud headphones, will eventually lead to degeneration inside of the ear causing the onset of hearing loss. For more information on dealing with extensive hearing loss, refer to this .

Hearing loss can also be caused by loud noises. Extended exposure to high noise levels, such as concerts or loud headphones, will eventually lead to degeneration inside of the ear causing the onset of #hearing loss.Click To Tweet
While hearing loss may be unavoidable for some, implementing the following three natural vitamin regimens into your life can help to improve your hearing.
 Nature's Healing Grace: These 3 Vitamins Will Help You Improve Your Hearing the Natural Way

Folic Acid

, or folate, is one natural vitamin that will help to improve your hearing. One of the main functions of folic acid is to quicken the rate of metabolism of homocysteine. Homocysteine is an amino acid that will reduce the flow of blood to the inner ear. Without this flow of blood, the parts of the inner ear will begin to deteriorate.
With a healthy dose of folic acid every day, there will be less homocysteines present in your body to restrict this blood flow. The ear will be able to function at a higher capacity and you will have a reduced chance of hearing loss.
 Nature's Healing Grace: These 3 Vitamins Will Help You Improve Your Hearing the Natural Way


is a mineral that is needed in every cell of your body. Magnesium aids in metabolic functions and it also helps to relax the muscles. A third function of magnesium is to protect the inner ear from unwanted glutamate and free radicals.
Glutamate is produced by sound waves and if it goes unchecked, it can cause damage to the inner ear. Free radicals are unstable atoms in the body that are always looking to pair up. As the free radicals are searching for each other, they are destructive to the other cells in the body. A large accumulation of free radicals in the ear can cause cause hearing loss.
Magnesium acts as a blocker to both the free radicals and glutamate, so having healthy amounts of this natural vitamin in your diet will help to improve your hearing.
 Nature's Healing Grace: These 3 Vitamins Will Help You Improve Your Hearing the Natural Way

Vitamin B

can be taken in vitamin form and can also be found in foods such as eggs, chicken, and seafood. Although Vitamin B has many properties that will help different aspects of your body, the natural compound known as nicotinamide riboside, which is a part of Vitamin B, is what can reduce hearing loss.
Nicotinamide riboside surrounds the nerves inside of the cochlea. With the nerves surrounded, they are more protected, meaning vibrations from noises will not cause hearing loss as quickly. The nerves in the cochlea are most susceptible to damage when the synapse are communicating with each other during an event that includes loud noises, but a Vitamin B supplement can help protect those nerves.

To keep your #hearing up to the standard you are used to, incorporating #folic acid, #magnesium and #vitamin B into your daily routine is recommended. Click To Tweet
With these three vitamin options available to you, your hearing can be significantly improved. To keep your hearing up to the standard you are used to, incorporating one or all of these vitamins into your daily routine is recommended. They will not only improve your hearing, but also improve other aspects of your life and lead to healthier living.
Do you or your loved ones take vitamins to improve your hearing?
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Nature's Healing Grace: These 3 Vitamins Will Help You Improve Your Hearing the Natural Way -To keep your #hearing up to the standard you are used to, incorporating #folic acid, #magnesium and #vitamin B into your daily routine is recommended. #folic acid #magnesium #vitamin B #vitamins #hearing #hearingloss #naturalremedies