In today’s business world, there are an increasing number of initiatives that advocate for sustainable food production. The main reasons why these initiatives are in favor of local (small scale) food production as opposed to industrial (mass) food production are due to the fact that they result in better quality, produced goods and a reduction in the negative effects on the environment. Also, mass food production results in a high volume of food waste which can be reduced by supporting local and sustainable food production. As consumers, we can — and should — use our buying power to influence food production methods and a more humane, ecological economy. Knowledge is power, that’s why eco labels play a critical role in food purchasing decisions.


To grow food #sustainably means to conserve #biodiversity, protect ecosystems, and offer fair treatment to all involved in the production process.Click To Tweet



How Eco Labels Affect Consumer Buying Decisions

Sustainable food is important because there is no future of food production without reconsidering food production methods. Food producers that care about sustainability usually acquire eco labels for their products so consumers can more easily recognize their products and companies as the ones that care about the environment. Eco labels demonstrate that a company went through the rigorous process required to obtain certification — confirming that their products were produced according to standards of sustainable food production.

Rresearch studies support the fact that food businesses that are responding to consumers’ requests by implementing sustainable practices in their business are rewarded for their efforts.


Consumers are increasingly trusting #ecolabels on products. This is a big incentive for #food producers to get certified.Click To Tweet


Ecolabels to the rescue

How Eco Labels Affect Consumer Buying Decisions

The organizations behind eco labels only issue certifications to companies that prove food sustainability practices throughout the supply chain.

With 148 different eco labels now present in the food market, it is easier for consumers and producers to get confused about their meaning and their role in the food sector, so information is key. A few of the more commonly used eco labels are:

  • Fair Trade
  • Direct Trade 
  • Non-GMO
  • USDA Organic
  • American Grassfed
  • Animal Welfare Approved
  • Rainforest Alliance
  • Carbon Reduction Label

Want to know more? Check out the infographic below — which sheds some light on sustainable food production and the effect that eco-labels have on buyers’ decisions.


How Eco Labels Affect Consumer Buying Decisions

How Eco Labels Affect Consumer Buying Decisions - Consumers are increasingly trusting #ecolabels on products. This is a big incentive for #food producers to get certified.  This infographic helps to  #ecolabels  #food  #buyingfood  #ecofriendlyproducts  #sustainableproducts  #nongmo   #organic  #fairtrade


Infographic courtesy of


How do ecolabels affect your food purchase decisions?

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