How Much Will It Cost to Study Abroad in France - Infographic

How many of you have fantasized about studying abroad in France?

Or have your children pined for the opportunity to live abroad and study there?

The daughter of a close family friend spent a year traveling and studying abroad in Paris and

the experience changed her sense of self and her perceptions about life in so many wonderful ways.

Of course, she now speaks and reads French perfectly, but she also has a new-found confidence and

sense of independence that is very gratifying to see.

How Much Will It Cost to Study Abroad in France - Infographic

Her year in France has broadened her immeasurably and I am so thrilled for her.

So when my cousin’s daughter told us that she wanted to spend a year studying

French and international business in Paris, I was very pleased, but her parents’ delight

was tempered by their monetary concerns: “How much will it cost to study in France?”

While living and attending university in France is an exciting prospect, planning this amazing

adventure with their daughter could be a daunting process.

So many questions swirled through their minds, for example:

“How do we budget for her time as a student in France?”

“Where will our child live and with whom?”

“What are the student accommodation options and how can we locate them?”

How Much Will It Cost to Study Abroad in France - Infographic

Not sure where to turn?

Well here’s a helpful resource to get you started.

If you–or someone you know–are considering studying abroad in France, the infographic

below by Allo Student Rentals covers many of the costs and details you’ll need to consider.

Allô Student Rentals is France’s premier student rental website so they have a lot of relevant

information and expertise to share.

Their infographic outlines the estimated costs associated with living as a student in France and

examines the pros and cons of each student housing option to help you make an informed decision.

They also provide a handy student rental checklist as well as rental apartment ettiquette.

How Much Will It Cost to Study Abroad in France?

Infographic created by Allo Student Rentals helps students easily find suitable off-campus housing.


Have you or someone you know considered studying abroad in France?

Share your thoughts and comments with us.