How to Add Healthy Flavor to Plant-Based Meals with Herbs - Infographic

We all know that seasonings, herbs and spices can either make or break a dish–so it’s

always worth knowing which ones can “make the dish” and increase the taste of your

favorite foods–and which ones to absolutely avoid. 

Fresh herbs like cilantro, parsley, dill and mint can bring powerful new tastes to

your palate.

Why not try them with your dressings, soups, stews and vegetables to enhance taste?

Are You Relying on Salt to Season Your Food?

How to Add Healthy Flavor to Plant-Based Meals with Herbs - Infographic
Using herbs and spices properly is also an excellent way to reduce your use of salt.

Unfortunately, salt is the most common ingredient used in cooking.

It acts as a preservative, a way to counteract the sweetness of a dish, and honestly

it just satisfies our taste buds because it enhances the flavor of food.

Everybody loves that extra pinch…or tablespoon…of salt, but, too much salt (yes,

it’s possible!) can lead to several diseases, with high blood pressure being the most common.

For people with high blood pressure, kidney issues, obesity and heart problems, eating too

much salt can be a major issue.

The best way to bring your salt intake back into acceptable limits is to reduce or eliminate

it from your diet.

You probably won’t be able to go cold turkey, but you can work to reduce it one week at a time.

If you need to, or are choosing to, decrease the amount of salt that goes into your food, consider

using herbs that you likely already have in your kitchen as a substitute.

6 Herbs To Help You Use Less Salt

How to Add Healthy Flavor to Plant-Based Meals with Herbs - Infographic
One of the things people fail to realize is that eating healthy does not have to be misery.

In fact, all we really want from our food is flavor.

This is true whether one is dieting for weight loss or simply trying to prevent disease

through a healthy diet.

So, if that extra pinch of salt is important to you then take a look at the six herbs below

that can be used to replace salt and add healthy flavor to food–then go experiment!


How to Add Healthy Flavor to Plant-Based Meals with Herbs - Infographic
Dill is a slightly sour herb that can be easily paired with other herbs/spices to create

a one of a kind flavor for your meals.

Consider pairing dill with a sweeter herb such as thyme in order to achieve a nice

balance of sweet and sour.

Dill can be used in the form of a leaf or in a crushed/dried form, it all depends on

what you prefer.


How to Add Healthy Flavor to Plant-Based Meals with Herbs - Infographic
Thyme is a great alternative to salt because it comes in several flavor varieties

including lemon and orange.

There is a slight salty undertone to thyme, but you also get the bonus of added flavor.

Thyme has a slightly sweet flavor as well and is best used in combination with parsley,

oregano and rosemary.

Thyme blends nicely with roasted vegetables.


Allspice is a common herb blend amongst several cultures.

There is no real “flavor” of allspice; the herb tastes like a blend of juniper, nutmeg,

peppercorn, and cinnamon.

However, it actually comes from a dried berry found in Jamaica.

The variety of flavors that we taste with allspice makes it a great substitute for salt

because it can add a unique flavor to your dishes and draw out the flavors of the

dish itself.


Allspice  Allspice is a common herb blend amongst several cultures.  There is no real “flavor” of allspice; the herb tastes like a blend of juniper, nutmeg,  peppercorn, and cinnamon.  However, it actually comes from a dried berry four in Jamaica.  The variety of flavors that we taste with allspice makes it a great substitute for salt  because it can add a unique flavor to your dishes and draw out the flavors of the  dish itself.
Mint is a commonly used herb that comes in a variety of strengths.

You can choose a mint leaf that will give a slight kick or a mint leaf that will change up

the entire flavor of your meal.

Mint also comes in several different flavor combinations.

You can purchase flavors like chocolate mint and orange-mint in your local grocery store.

These flavors work great in pastas, in baking and in salads.


Chives are an age-old source of added flavor and it is widely used among several

different cultures.

Chives add a hit of onion to your dish and they already have natural salt content

within them.

Chives are perfect for potato soup, vegan chili, or a vegetable stew.

They are also great in small amounts, such as, on chicken or in your potatoes.


How to Add Healthy Flavor to Plant-Based Meals with Herbs - Infographic
Oregano is an Italian spice that works best with pasta dishes or added onto pizza!

Due to the spice’s potency and spicy undertones, the herb is an excellent substitute

for salt.

For an added kick, combine oregano with basil, thyme and/or parsley.

In short…

There is really no need to add a ton of salt to your meals in order to enhance the flavor

or to get that salty kick you crave–just get creative with herbs!

See some wonderful tips for cooking with herbs below…

The Herb Guide to Cooking Vegan – Infographic

How to Add Healthy Flavor to Plant-Based Meals with Herbs - Infographic

There are lots of herbs that can help you add unique flavors to your dishes and still

keep the salty undertones you desire.

Also fresh herbs tend to be more flavorful and luscious than dried varieties, so

try use fresh whenever you can.

Are you ready for more amazing ways to use enhance the flavor of foods with herbs?

Check out the “the ultimate herb guide for cooking vegan dishes” below–created

by Chadwicks.

This comprehensive guide illustrates which ingredients really complement each herb,

which oils are best to use with them, the complementary herbs and spices you can add

with the herb and some great recipe ideas.

For example, are you thinking about how you can implement mint into your dish?

Well, according to the guide, mint will go great with peas and aubergines in a tasty

fruit or vegetable salad, with a few chili peppers added for an extra infusion of taste.

Plus, we learn that walnut oil will pair nicely with mint.

This handy reference may help you learn to cook with some herbs you’ve never known

how to use before–and add delectable flavors to your favorite dishes in the process.

Take some time to experiment with these herbs and decide which flavor combinations

you like the most!

You’ll be glad you did!

How to Add Healthy Flavor to Plant-Based Meals with Herbs - Infographic

Infographic courtesy of Chadwicks

Which herbs do you use most often in your home?

Do you have any other suggestions for cooking with herbs?

Please share your thoughts and comments with us.


“Shared on Simply Natural Saturdays”