What a joyous moment when your pregnancy test comes up with a positive result. From conception to birth, pregnancy can feel like a rollercoaster ride. There are so many things to think about to get ready in time for the new arrival, and baby brain doesn’t always help matters either.

There are so many things happening during your pregnancy . For example, did you know your baby starts dreaming at 28 weeks? And that baby can get frightened by loud sounds at 25 weeks?


From conception to birth, #pregnancy can feel like a rollercoaster ride. There are so many things to think about to get ready in time for the new arrival.Click To Tweet



So, make yourself a cup of tea, a glass of orange juice or whatever you can stomach this week, put your feet up and keep reading about all the miracles that are taking place during your .

How To Understand Your Pregnancy Week By Week

Weeks 1 To 12

In the first 12 weeks, right after conception takes place, the cells start to split vigorously to form all of your baby’s major organs like the brain, digestive system, spinal cord, and lungs. At week 6 the embryo secretes specific hormones to prevent your menstrual period. The baby’s heart starts beating and the placenta burrows into the uterine wall where the baby will get its oxygen and nutrients from the mother.

At week 9 those beautiful eyes that you long to look into have formed, as well as that cute mouth and tiny tongue. In week 10 all the organs have been formed. By week 12, your baby’s toes and fingers are recognisable.

How To Understand Your Pregnancy Week By Week

Weeks 12 To 24

By the 13th week, your little one can swim and his/her vocal cords and eyes have been formed by week 14. The taste buds are formed during week 16 as well as the eyelashes and eyebrows. In week 18 the baby might develop hiccups and you can feel him/her moving around in your womb.

Week 20 is when your baby can hear, the fingertips now have fingerprints and it’s around this time that you can find out if it’s a boy or a girl during your ultrasound appointment. At week 22, your baby can perceive light even though his/her eyes are still shut. Shine a flashlight at your belly and see how he/she moves. By week 24 of your pregnancy, the little one’s eyes can open and close and the baby can make breathing movements with his/her lungs.

How To Understand Your Pregnancy Week By Week

Weeks 24 To 40

, your baby measures about 37 cm from its crown to its toes. The head isn’t so disproportionately big to the body any more because the growing body has caught up. At your ultrasound, around 30 weeks, you’ll be able to watch your baby grab its own foot or suck its thumb. Week 32 is spent with baby sleeping a lot and he/she has now assumed the proper crowning position for birth, with their head pointing downwards. During this time the kicks and prods might become more pronounced. Hang in there. You’re at the 8-month mark.

We see rapid development in the lungs from week 36 in preparation for birth. At week 38, the baby has a visible layer of fat which is needed for birth and living outside mum’s body. And when week 40 arrives and you can finally meet your little one face to face. Well, give or take a week or two.

How To Understand Your Pregnancy Week By Week

Oh, The Wonder!

The miracle is so fascinating. Take this time to reflect on the creation of life happening inside you. Yes, your feet might be swollen, you feel as big as a bus, and heartburn is no joke, but try to keep your focus on your baby and all the wonderful things that are happening in your womb. It’s not every day that we can be a part of life being created. And always remember, no matter how overwhelming it all may seem at times, you can do this, your body was designed for it.

Are you pregnant or planning to become pregnant?

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How To Understand Your Pregnancy Week By Week  - From conception to birth, pregnancy can feel like a rollercoaster ride. There are so many things to think about and to get ready in time for the new arrival.   #pregnancy  #pregnant  #pregnancyweekbyweek  #conception  #gettingpregnant  #expectantmothers