Lifestyle Choices to Help Avoid a Heart Attack - Infographic

Even considering the current health trends, there are still quite a number of individuals

who remain at risk for heart attacks and experience them on a daily basis.

Statistics show that 680 Americans die of heart attacks every single day.

Along with death, many people struggle with other heart diseases and issues that cause

them to lose functions of their bodies or even become paralyzed.

The loss in quality of life can be tremendous.

“Obesity, stress and excessive drinking

and smoking are all contributors to

heart diseases and increased

chances of heart attacks.”


That is why it is critical that all people gain an understanding of the importance of making

healthy lifestyle choices to avoid heart attacks.

Obesity, stress and excessive drinking and smoking are all contributors to heart diseases

and increased chances of heart attacks.

As such, you should implement lifestyle choices that help to avoid or decrease such occurrences.

A healthy diet and exercise is the best front line of defense against obesity.

Lifestyle Choices to Help Avoid a Heart Attack - Infographic

You should seek a diet that includes a lot of fruits, vegetables, whole-grains and high fiber foods.

You should also make sure that you receive the right amount of vitamins and minerals daily.

“A healthy diet and exercise

is the best front line of

defense against obesity.”


Along with a healthy diet you want to make sure that you are getting a proper amount of exercise.

Lifestyle Choices to Help Avoid a Heart Attack - Infographic

Research shows that 30 minutes of exercise five days a week is optimal.

If you cannot commit to that, try to incorporate exercise into your day in other ways:

*Walking around your neighborhood after work

*Taking the stairs instead of the elevator

*Riding your bike to work, etc.

Exercise helps to reduce stress as well.

“Discover the best

stress relief method

for you and stick to it.”


Yoga, meditation and simply stopping and taking deep breathes when you begin to feel stressed

can all help to release tension from your body.

Take some time to discover the best stress relief method for you and stick to it.

Lifestyle Choices to Help Avoid a Heart Attack - Infographic

Finally, drinking moderately and eliminating smoking are also important lifestyle

changes that can make a great difference.

For a brief overview of some of the main ways to prevent a heart attack,

check out the infographic below:

Heart Health in America
What lifestyle changes are you making to prevent heart disease?

Share your thoughts and comments with us.


“Shared on Simply Natural Saturdays”