Are you searching for the best natural or homemade ways to control pests in your home, garden or office? If so, then you can consider these .
You can lead a healthier, happier life by getting rid of pests in a natural manner. Here, we will share several natural ways to prevent pests in and around your house.
7 Natural and Homemade Ways to Deter Pests 

Dust Mite Repellent

You can prepare your own repellent spray by combining Eucalyptus, Clove, and Peppermint, Lavender or Rosemary oil into a bottle filled with water. Allow the dust mite spray to dry in air for some time so that mites will be destroyed by the scent. For added pest control, combine lemongrass and basil to eliminate pests like fleas, lice and dust mites.
7 Natural and Homemade Ways to Deter Pests 

Garlic & Mint Insect Spray

To control outdoor pests, combine a mixture of garlic and mint in a spray bottle. Just take some garlic cloves and mint leaves and mix them using a food processor. Then add cayenne pepper as well as a little drop of washing liquid. Heat the mixture in a pan with water for some time and leave it aside overnight. The next morning, pour it into a spray bottle to use in order to make your gardens pest free.
7 Natural and Homemade Ways to Deter Pests 

Borax & Sugar Combination

Another significant trick involved in killing ants is possible with a homemade sugar and borax mixture. This combination must be poured along the line where ants are so that you can get rid of your pest problem completely. This solution is prepared by adding 1 cup hot water, ½ cup sugar & 2 tablespoon borax. It is the widely preferred combination because of its utmost effectiveness.
7 Natural and Homemade Ways to Deter Pests 

Hot Pepper Spray

To eliminate pests in your garden, you can mix 3 spoons of hot pepper flakes, 1 gallon of water or else use 10 finely chopped peppers. Heat the ingredients in pan for about 15 minutes then allow it to cool for 24 hours prior to straining. After that, add few drops of dishwashing soap solution and spray over the plants.
7 Natural and Homemade Ways to Deter Pests

Coconut Oil and Vinegar

The mixture of white vinegar and coconut oil is considered to be an effective spraying solution for repelling spiders. Since this oil has a tendency to create stains or form spots you must be careful to use this mixture only on small areas of curtains, upholstered furniture or carpets.
7 Natural and Homemade Ways to Deter Pests 

Cinnamon Oil

Finely ground cinnamon power and its oil are considered to be highly effective against eliminating pests from your house. Try to sprinkle the finely ground cinnamon power everywhere around the pests or else apply the pure cinnamon oil on the needed places using a cotton swab.
7 Natural and Homemade Ways to Deter Pests 

Coffee Grounds

Pests and critters do not like the smell of coffee powder — like some normal human beings. In fact, they have a hatred for that smell. For most ants, coffee grounds are considered to be highly fatal. You can get rid of pests in your house by placing recycled coffee grounds all over your house where bugs normally emerge.
Guest Post by Anny He
What are your favorite natural ways to deter pests?
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7 Natural and Homemade Ways to Deter Pests - Are you searching for the best natural or homemade ways to control pests in your home, garden or office? If so, then you can consider these effective ways to to prevent pests in and around your house. #Pests #Ants #Spiders #Insects #Home #Gardenpests #naturalpestcontrol