When researching rehab facilities, it’s easy to become overwhelmed by the wide variety of choice. Some centers may not offer what you’re looking for whereas others may be a perfect fit for your particular needs.
Many people immediately think of Alcoholics Anonymous or Narcotics Anonymous when deciding on rehab options, mainly because they both stem from the 12 step program, one of the longest-running recovery groups. However, there are now a considerable number of non 12 step rehab centers with a broader appeal to people from all backgrounds.
What's Different about Non 12-Step Rehab and Recovery Programs? 
Non 12 step rehab centers generally offer treatments and therapies that are not faith-based like 12 step, with methodologies based on medical, psychotherapeutic or holistic approaches.

Besides AA or Narcotics Anonymous, there are many non 12 step #rehab centers with a broader appeal to people from all backgrounds. Non 12 step rehab centers offer methodologies based on medical, #psychotherapeutic or #holistic approaches.Click To Tweet

Signs of Addiction: When Does a Person Need Non 12 Step Drug Rehab?

What's Different about Non 12-Step Rehab and Recovery Programs? 
People who find themselves asking if they need rehab, they are very likely to be questioning their substance use. Nowadays, people frequently turn to the internet to find out more about a particular health issue that’s concerning them and fortunately there are plenty of useful resources.
However, there is no shame in reaching out for help, whether the individual is concerned about binge drinking or if they have been using drugs for a prolonged period of time.
If someone is not sure if they need to enter a non 12 step rehab program they should consider the following :

  • Has tolerance developed as a result of substance abuse?
  • Are substances being abused to avoid withdrawal symptoms?
  • Has the individual lost control over when they use drugs or alcohol?
  • Have they become preoccupied with seeking out and using drugs or alcohol?
  • Is substance abuse continuing despite negative effects elsewhere in their lives?

If the answer to any of these questions is yes, the likelihood the individual has developed substance use disorder is increased.

What Is Different about Non 12 Step Drug Rehab?

What's Different about Non 12-Step Rehab and Recovery Programs? 
There are two significant differences between traditional 12 step and alternative treatment programs:

  • 12 step is based on the belief that addiction is at the root of a person’s negative behavior and poor lifestyle choices, whereas
  • Alternative approaches help individuals to acknowledge their addiction illness while helping them become accountable for their actions. In other words, non 12 step programs are based on the belief that a person is not defined by their addiction.


Non 12 step programs are based on the belief that a person is not defined by their #addiction.Click To Tweet

A Difference in Motivation

What's Different about Non 12-Step Rehab and Recovery Programs? 
The motivation of patients is fundamentally different from traditional  which encourages the acknowledgment of a higher power. In doing so, patients in effect admit that they are unable to overcome addiction alone, turning to their definition of a higher power for guidance and help. 12 step is an approach that has been considered highly effective for many years although that is not to say it is for everyone.
In contrast to the traditional model, non 12 step rehab places all ownership on the individual, helping them to become accountable for their behaviors. The principle is that an individual has to take responsibility for achieving sobriety without the existence of a higher power to help them. In other words, it is down to them to create a fulfilling life without substances.

With non 12 step #rehab, an individual has to take responsibility for achieving #sobriety without the existence of a higher power to help them. It is up to them to create a fulfilling life without substances.Click To Tweet

Non 12-Step Addiction Treatment Options

What's Different about Non 12-Step Rehab and Recovery Programs? 
Non 12 step rehab programs offer a wide variety of treatment methods and approaches, giving it wider appeal to more people. The initial step in rehab is always detox and evaluation in order to prepare a personalized treatment program. The types of treatments used in non 12 step include the following:

  • Holistic Treatment: Focusing on the psychological, physical and spiritual aspects of a patient’s treatment, holistic therapies are aimed at removing an individual’s desire to use. Complementary, alternative or holistic treatments also arm patients with effective tools for coping with triggers for substance abuse in their daily lives in recovery.


  • Dual Diagnosis Treatment: Many people with addiction issues also suffer from a co-existing mental health condition such as depression or anxiety. These individuals are known as dual-diagnosis and they require professional treatment that addresses both conditions at the same time. This is mainly because depression can fuel addictive behaviors and vice versa, creating a vicious circle of substance abuse.

What's Different about Non 12-Step Rehab and Recovery Programs? 

  • SMART Recovery: This is a very popular form of non 12 step rehab, which encourages individuals to manage their negative thoughts and feelings in order to become a productive member of society.


  • Individual and Group Therapy: Discussion-based therapies are integral to rehab and recovery and often continue for many years after a person has completed a non 12 step treatment program.


  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT): CBT is an evidence-based therapy that identifies the root causes of addictive behaviors and seeks to change them. The main objective is to enable individuals to exercise self-control in difficult situations that would otherwise lead to them using drugs or alcohol.

Have you or a loved one experienced non 12-Step rehab and recovery programs?
Share your thoughts and comments with us.

What's Different about Non 12-Step Rehab and Recovery Programs? - Many people immediately think of Alcoholics Anonymous or Narcotics Anonymous when deciding on rehab options, mainly because they both stem from the 12 step program, one of the longest-running recovery groups. However, there are now a considerable number of non 12 step rehab and recovery programs. #Non 12-StepRehab #Recoveryprograms  #addiction  #addictiontreatment   #AlcoholicsAnonymous   #NarcoticsAnonymous  #rehab  #recovery