Does it ever happen to you that you forget to go to work? Or to go to the bathroom, go to bed, help the kids with their homework? Yet, no matter how essential exercise can be, it’s very likely that you’d skip a day at the gym, or forget your workout gear at home. In this hectic time of ours, we have managed to build a mindset that has wreaked havoc on our priorities. While money-making is vital, we should also find the time and energy to invest in self-care as much as we do in caring for others and fulfilling our most essential needs, as well as responsibilities.
Self-care should be a priority as much as work, or going to the bathroom. It should be a given, a part of our lives that makes us all the more productive in other areas of our existence. If you are anything like me, you will find that a challenge and an everyday struggle, so I truly hope the suggestions listed below will help you structure your own self-care routine, for a better, more balanced life.

Self-care is #self-love. By taking a moment to #appreciate what you already have, you will open many doors in your life to enable other incredible experiences to enrich it even further.Click To Tweet

Unplug on a regular basis

Self-Care Practices for a Resilient Body and a Serene Soul
It’s uncanny how I used to catch myself staring at my phone just minutes after I’ve already responded to an email or mindlessly looked at my Facebook feed. It’s become a norm to be glued to our phones and dependent on technology for most of our daily communication.
However, when you make an effort to stay away from the online world and pay attention to the world outside of the Instagram feed, you’ll take the edge off almost instantly. The eye strain will dwindle, your mind will be able to slow down, and you’ll actually let yourself get immersed in a deep conversation with your loved ones when you turn off your computer after work.

Fall in love with meditation

Self-Care Practices for a Resilient Body and a Serene Soul
Among a sea of buzzwords being thrown around, the notion of mindfulness has gained quite a lot of popularity, even though most of us have only scratched the surface of its true meaning. One of the explanations closest to my heart sums it up as a form of deeper awareness of the present moment that allows you to embrace your emotions, thoughts, and bodily sensations.
With so many distractions, we’ve become unaccustomed to this feeling of mindfulness, so we have to work to reclaim it, as a natural state of our mind. are the best way to achieve this, as they are a healing method to soothe your mind and relax your body while focusing on the present moment. You can start with brief morning sessions, and then discover which kind and what time of day is best for your own well-being.

Find your workout mojo

Self-Care Practices for a Resilient Body and a Serene Soul
I’ve never considered myself much of a gym person, or one that would enjoy a high-strung fitness instructor yelling in my ear to push harder. However, I’ve discovered that jogging a few blocks around my building, doing a few yoga asanas, or heading out for a swim can be invigorating even after an exhausting day at work.
Now, to avoid all excuses, I have my gear waiting for me by the door, and I gladly put on , grab my favorite pair of earphones, and rush back through the door to greet the pavement and the park’s uneven, rocky running tracks. Making time for exercise has not just helped me rebuild my body, but also my self-esteem, as well as my energy and focus, and the beauty of it is that you can do it any which way suits your personality best.

Pamper yourself

Self-Care Practices for a Resilient Body and a Serene Soul
A tense life leads to accumulated stress on your body and mind, which means that doing something “extra” to help you heal is not merely an indulgence, but a necessity. Whether you’re having trouble sleeping, relaxing in general, or you feel that your muscles collect all the tension, getting a massage can help you unwind and detox.
A weekend getaway with your partner could also serve as a short reality escape where you can enjoy a lush spa treatment and start your week with your energy restored and your soul at peace. There are yoga retreats and meditation workshops you can attend as well as an all-encompassing healing ritual.

Take a deep breath

Self-Care Practices for a Resilient Body and a Serene Soul
Such a powerful mechanism, and yet so often neglected due to its simplicity: your breathing patterns. One of the most common symptoms of anxiety is shortness of breath, and conversely, not breathing properly can add more stress to your body, which in turn puts you under a great deal of stress.
To end this vicious cycle, you can combine your mindfulness exercises with regaining control of your breath. Learn to inhale deeply into your abdomen, fill your body with fresh oxygen, and let all the negativity flow out with your exhale. In time, will not only become more effective themselves, but they will sneak their way into your everyday life, deepening your breath, and giving you greater control of your emotional stability.

While we cannot escape our fickle nature and the many sources of turmoil, with self-care, we can build up our own awareness and #wellbeing to face what life brings with more #self-love and resilience than ever.Click To Tweet

And discover gratitude

Self-Care Practices for a Resilient Body and a Serene Soul
How often do you experience for being able to read these posts, talk to your loved ones, or eat a meal? My own hectic life has resulted in my taking its most precious moments and pleasures for granted. We are often happy with very little, yet we prevent ourselves from truly experiencing such fulfillment, simply because we are programmed to strive for more.
Constant self-improvement is only as healthy as our happiness and self-love at any given moment in time. By taking a moment to appreciate what you already have, you will open many doors in your life to enable other incredible experiences to enrich it even further.
While we cannot escape our fickle nature and the many sources of turmoil, we can build up our own awareness and wellbeing to face what life brings with more self-love and resilience than ever.
About the author
Sophia Smith is beauty and style blogger, an eco-lifestyle lover, graphic designer and a food enthusiast. She is very passionate about natural skincare, minimalist wardrobe, yoga and mindful living. Sophia writes mostly about beauty-related topics in her articles. She loves sharing meaningful content that educates and inspires people. Sophia has contributed to a number of publications including: Eco Warrior Princess, Viva Glam Magazine, Cause Artist, Secret Garden, How to Simplify and Carousel.
You can find out more about her writing by following her on:  Facebook  Twitter  Google +
What are your favorite self-care practices and tips?
Share your thoughts and comments with us.

Self-Care Practices for a Resilient Body and a Serene Soul - Constant self-improvement is only as healthy as our happiness and self-love at any given moment in time. By taking a moment to appreciate what you already have, you will open many doors in your life to enable other incredible experiences to enrich it even further.  #selfcare  #selfimprovement  #pampering  #meditation  #breathing  #bathing  #selflove