Seeking balance and calm in our lives is an ongoing mission in this day and age. We are ‘on’ and connected to life’s stresses like never before. This has left many of us believing that, if we did want to get off the “roller coaster”, we couldn’t or can’t or don’t know how. Even worse, the majority of us would feel selfish if we took time out or had to ask for it. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong.
Mental health issues and health related symptoms and diseases related to stress are on the rise, especially in women. If we as women continue to think we don’t need a break or can’t afford to take one, the only person this hurts is ourselves. If we don’t take the time out to look after number one, it affects all facets of life not just personally, but professionally too. That’s why taking time for your needs isn’t selfish, it’s essential.

If we as #women continue to think we don’t need a break or can’t afford to take one, the only person this hurts is ourselves. If we don’t take the time out to look after number one, it affects all facets of life.Click To Tweet
Do you relate to any of these situations? If so, hopefully these hints help you take a healthy break.

Emotional eating for the better

Taking Time For Your Needs Isn't Selfish, It's Essential
During times of stress, we often crave more fatty and sugary foods. If you are a pretty healthy person naturally, taking time out to indulge in treats isn’t a big deal – in fact, it’s probably a really good idea as we can be really hard on ourselves with regards to our appearance which starts from the moment we wake up to the time we go to bed – and this happens on a daily basis. Give yourself a break and give into what you’re craving. Enjoy it. Savour every mouthful. Who cares if you give in for a few days straight. After all – you’re on the healthy bandwagon for 99% of the time.

Emotional eating for the worse

Taking Time For Your Needs Isn't Selfish, It's Essential
For those of us however who probably know we should take more care in the types of food we eat regularly, it’s during times of high stress that our minds and bodies would really benefit from more nutritious foods and meals even if we aren’t craving them. Often, after eating a healthy meal – you will feel so much better about yourself as you know you’ve done the right thing by your body – and that in itself provides a mental break from ourselves. It becomes an instant pick me up too! Seriously, try it!
If you’re feeling as though you want to take time out and enjoy a little snack instead of a meal –  do it! The five or ten minutes peace will do you good. Just try and make your treats tasty, that are quality and high in protein. Again, it will make you feel better about yourself for choosing healthier options.

Give yourself a break and give into what you’re #craving. Enjoy it. Savour every mouthful. Who cares if you give in for a few days straight. After all - you’re on the healthy bandwagon for 99% of the time.Click To Tweet

Cheers to that

Taking Time For Your Needs Isn't Selfish, It's Essential
While excessive and binge drinking is best avoided, moderate drinking (1-2 units a day) can have some  so don’t feel guilty about having a glass of vino when you want to chill out! Just remember to drink responsibly and in moderation.
If you can, choose red over white wines as scientists have found red wines contain higher levels of polyphenols, antioxidants and, in general, the darker the wine, the higher the antioxidant content. Red wine also contains resveratrol which is known to promote healthy anti-aging by preventing premature aging, fights oxidative stress, supports cellular and tissue health, promotes circulation, protects cognitive health and improves energy and endurance.
If you begin to get worried about your consumption of alcohol or someone else’s, seek guidance. As a starting point, you could check out .

Everything in moderation

Taking Time For Your Needs Isn't Selfish, It's Essential
This includes taking sufficient time out at moderate levels which will benefit your overall health and wellbeing! If you are conscious of what you eat, drink, how much sleep you get, how much time you spend with friends and loved ones – start being mindful of ensuring you are taking time out regularly too without feeling like it’s undeserved.
How well do you take time for your needs?
Share your thoughts and comments with us.

Taking Time For Your Needs Isn't Selfish, It's Essential - If we as women continue to think we don’t need a break or can’t afford to take one, the only person this hurts is ourselves. If we don’t take the time out to look after number one, it affects all facets of life not just personally, but professionally too. #selfcare #emotionaleating #cravings #healthyliving