Detox has become somewhat of a buzz word, and it might just seem like a fad to think about detox diets and juice cleanses, but in reality, the concept itself is one that can be important and beneficial. With that being said, a healthy detox doesn’t mean you starve yourself or only have juices for days on end.

What it does mean is that you make conscious decisions when it comes to your lifestyle, even if it’s just for a short period, that will allow your body to rid itself of the many toxins you’re exposed to every day, and also to heal itself.


“A healthy detox doesn’t mean you

starve yourself or only have juices

for days on end.”


By making this decision, you can eliminate some of the toxins from your food, drink and even the beauty and hygiene products you use. You can also boost your energy levels and give yourself a reset to focus more on your health and well-being in the future.

The following are some healthy, realistic detox tips you might consider.

Choose a Detox Tonic
The Top Healthy Detox Tips

Rather than following a juice cleanse, which can leave you feeling tired and depleted of energy, consider using a detox tonic. There are some great natural options that will and help you feel more refreshed, without requiring that you only drink juice.

Some ingredients to look for in a detox tonic includes apple cider vinegar, lemon juice or tart cherry juice.

You can choose a product based on your specific goals as well.

Drink Lemon Water in the Morning
The Top Healthy Detox Tips

One of the easiest ways you can jumpstart your detox is by adding a glass of lemon water to your morning routine.

Room temperature or warm lemon water is best because it’s great for activating your digestive system, and it’s such a simple way to make a change.

Eat Clean
The Top Healthy Detox Tips

Juicing isn’t the only option when you want to detox. Instead, think following a clean eating period. You can choose fresh fruits and vegetables, and in particular vegetables like kale and broccoli. Also, dandelion greens are great for improving how bile flows through your liver, and even herbs like cilantro can help remove toxins from your body.

Try to cut out foods that come from animal sources, at least for a few days and see how your body feels as a result.

When you eat clean it helps reduce bloating and fatigue, and it can also clear your thinking and make you feel less foggy in your thinking.

Take a Bath

The Top Healthy Detox Tips

The concept of detoxing can seem like you need to make a lot of sacrifices for it to work, but that’s not necessarily the case. and your systems can be as easy as taking a bath.

In the evening take a bath in Epsom salts. Add two cups, and it will help not only remove the bad things from your body, but it can also help you sleep better, and sleep is an important part of


“A healthy detox allows you to eliminate

some of the toxins from your food, drink

and even the beauty and hygiene

products you use.”


Finally, try to reduce or eliminate your intake of alcohol and caffeine, and replace them with plenty of water and green tea.


What are your favorite ways to detox your body?

Share your thoughts and comments with us.



The Top Healthy Detox Tips