Turn off the lights please! 4 ways to get them to do it.

You’re trying to save money, save energy and the environment, but you often feel like you’re in this all alone because everyone else is forgetful. Except you!

“Turn off the lights, please!”
How many times have you found yourself saying (or yelling) just that to your children (or your husband)?
Have you looked at your utility bills lately? If your bills are like ours, they are still often much too high.
You’re trying to save money, and the environment, but you often feel like you’re in this all alone because
everyone else is so forgetful. Except you!
Well, if you have that problem in your home, here are a few simple tips to help you get others on board to
turn off the lights when they are not in use.

1. Make It a Habit

Make it a rule that  the lights should be switched off when leaving any room, even if they plan to go back
into the room later.
This creates a habit. Once a habit is created it’s hard to break!

2. Set Up a Utility Fee Jar

Find an old large pickle jar and put a sign on it such as “Utility Fees”.
Explain to everyone in the house that anytime you have to say “Turn off the lights!” to them, they will be
required to put a designated amount of money in the jar.

3. Put Up Notices

Place prominent notices or ‘post-it notes’ near each of the lights that say,

“Please Turn Me Off

When Leaving the Room!”.

The notes will be a constant reminder to take the action that you desire.
You can even draw a smiling light bulb face on your signs.

4. Put Lights on Timers

If you can’t get first three tips to work, make rules about what times lights can be on and what times
they should be off and put the lights on a timer to make it stick.
Timers won’t teach anyone the value of electricity of course, but it will save energy, aggravation
and money.

Every Green Action Counts

Turning off the lights matters. Just like reducing our use of  bottled water matters.
Even if other people don’t see the importance of it right away, everything we do to live in a more
environmentally-friendly manner, counts.
Whatever we can do to cut down on our carbon footprint is important.
It doesn’t matter if it’s just a seemingly small act. Each action — when combined with many
others — adds up.
Conserving energy is one of the most important lessons we can pass on to our children.
What do you do to conserve energy in your home? Share your suggestions below.

“This post is shared on Green Living Thursdays”