Want to Slim Down for Summer? 6 Tips to Help You Lose Weight

Does the prospect of trying to look good in a bathing suit
this Summer make you cringe?

Does this scenario sound familiar?

You look at the calendar and notice that the first day of May is next week.

What’s worse, the first day is Summer is only 7 weeks away.

For me that means, it’s time to lose weight!

Immediately you panic.

You look in the mirror.

Your face drops.

You step on the scale.

Your eyes bulge, your heart sinks, you cringe at the sight– but you don’t know what to do!

The prospect of trying to fit into your favorite, cute, colorful summer shorts, dresses, tops–

not to mention, that adorable bathing suit–is extremely daunting.

7 weeks is not much time to shed the layers of winter lumps, bumps and cellulite.

What’s a girl to do?

The optimal solution is choosing and following a balanced, healthy diet and lifestyle

Want to Slim Down for Summer? 7 Tips to Help You Lose Weight

Only 7 weeks til Summer! What’s a girl to do?

However, we live in a world of instant gratification, and the promise of dramatic and easy

weight loss is often difficult to ignore.

Some of us will seek out a short term quick weight loss plan.

In the real world, however, true and lasting weight loss is a gradual process with many ups

and downs.

It requires determination, knowledge, and support from friends and family.

Losing weight, and keeping the weight off, is a heady challenge and unfortunately one that

many people find hard meet.

Not only do you have to struggle through the emotions and physical hurdles of weight loss,

but you also have to handle the practical aspects–like cooking healthy meals when zipping

through the nearest drive thru or grabbing a quick bite at Dunkin Donuts–is so much easier.

The Real Skinny on Fat

Want to Slim Down for Summer? 7 Tips to Help You Lose Weight

A CDC study found that 33.1% of American adults were overweight.

Weight has been a serious health concern for decades.

But in recent years, obesity has reached epidemic proportions.

This has led to an increase in health problems such as diabetes and heart disease, and has also

exacerbated the prevalence of eating disorders.

A CDC study found that in 2009-2010 33.1% of American adults were overweight.

Overweight in adults is defined as having a BMI of 25 to 29.9.

The same study found that 35.7% of adults in the country were obese.

Obesity in adults is defined as having a BMI of 30 to 40.

The study also found that 6.3% of American adults suffered from extreme obesity, defined as a BMI of 40

or higher.

According to the 2010 National Consumer Survey by the Calorie Control Council, 54% of

Americans were trying to lose weight.

This was up from 33% in 2004 and 24% in 2000.

The majority of those trying to lose weight were using safe methods such as:

*cutting down on sugary foods (86%),

*eating smaller portions (85%),

*consuming low calorie, reduced sugar or sugar-free foods and beverages (78%)

 *exercising (73% in combination with calorie reduction and 64% without). 

However, 17% of those trying to lose weight admitted to skipping meals, 13% used diet pills, and

8% followed a restrictive diet.

Ditch the Excuses: 7 Tips to Help You Lose

Want to Slim Down for Summer? 7 Tips to Help You Lose Weight

Want to slim down for Summer? Try these 7 tips to help you lose weight.

Sure , 7 weeks is not much time to shed the layers of winter lumps, bumps and cellulite.

But summer is coming, so it’s crunch time–time to ditch the excuses and take decisive action.

The optimal solution is choosing and following a balanced, healthy, lifestyle that includes

a nutritious diet, sufficient exercise and adequate sleep.

Try these easy to follow tips to kick start your own summer weight loss challenge.


Want to Slim Down for Summer? 7 Tips to Help You Lose Weight #weightloss #lose weight #slimdown


Infographic source-Visually.


Is your body fit for Summer? Are you trying to lose weight?
What methods have worked for you?
What weight loss tips would you add to this list?
Share your thoughts and comments with us.