Workout is not about just about banging several exercises together haphazardly and getting hot and sweaty, instead is requires a specific know-how approach.  The way you organize your workout is extremely important.
The purpose of exercise is to help you promote a practical, quality lifestyle through strength and cardiovascular fitness.  The result will be body fat loss, increased muscle tone, flexibility and feeling pain-free.
Real Workout Routines That Work
can help you get the most out of your training sessions.  The key is to concentrate on big basic movements that help you stimulate all the muscles in your body. This will pump up your metabolism and burn loads of calories.

Working out is not about just about banging several #exercises together haphazardly and getting hot and sweaty, instead is requires a specific know-how approach. The way you organize your #workout is extremely important.Click To Tweet
Here are seven exercises you can utilize in your full body workout.
Real Workout Routines That Work

1. Deadlift

Considered to be among the best full body exercises the deadlift can fuel more muscle than any other movement. The fundamental purpose of the deadlift is to pick up anything that is heavy from the floor. Basically, it is the only exercise you can do to achieve functionality, strength and weight loss and can be carried over into everyday life.
The key to doing the deadlift correctly is learning how to bend at the waist without bending your spine. This exercise requires starting light but slowly as you learn the correct format of the procedure.
Since deadlifts are usually botched exercises in terms of technique and form, bear in mind that it can affect you negatively if done incorrectly.
Get yourself a good trainer to teach you how to do deadlifts if you don’t know the correct procedure. A is the best postural exercise because it makes use of the glutes, hamstrings and the complete back musculature. It will strengthen every muscle in your back to help you keep ‘straight‘up.
Real Workout Routines That Work

2. Squats

Many fitness specialists call squats the kingpin of exercises. The reason is that squats need a good combination of stability, mobility and functional strength for proper performance. When done correctly, it is an incredible total body exercise.
Squats are metabolic exercises that stimulate a large portion of your body muscles. It becomes extremely functional as a full body exercise especially if extra weight is added. Squats target your hamstrings, glutes, squad and lower muscles in your back.
Real Workout Routines That Work

3. Lunges

Lunges target most of the similar muscles as squats, including the smaller stabilizer muscles, which help to maintain your balance in an unbalanced stance. Lunges are ideal for persons with back problems or who do not have the mobility to squat correctly.
Real Workout Routines That Work

4. Pushing

Pushing exercises are as the name suggests is anything that entails a pushing movement. Pushing involves two types of movements: horizontal pushing (push-ups) and vertical pushing (pressing something above your head)
Every pushing exercise uses a mixture of shoulders, chest and triceps. The angle at which the push is done will stimulate the different uses of these muscles.
Pushing must be balanced with pulling to prevent shoulder problems, muscle imbalances and postural issues. Never overdo pushing movements.
Real Workout Routines That Work

5. Pulling

Pulling is basically any exercise that entails pulling something or rowing movement. Pulling is similar to pushing in that it involves two movements – horizontal pulling such as seated row and vertical pulling such as pull ups.
If you work at a desk then horizontal pulling movements are best for you because they work by strengthening your postural muscles while balancing out the slouched, rounded position of the shoulder usually associated with a desk job. More information here:
Real Workout Routines That Work

6. Loaded carries

Loaded carries are basically carrying anything that is heavy while you’re walking. The heavy things include barbells, dumbbells, sandbags, kettlebells and just about anything heavy. It is good to vary the objects and the way you carry them, but ensure you do it safely.
The farmers walk is a simple variation of loaded carries. You just need to get a heavy kettlebell in both hands and with a perfect posture and walk for 30-60 seconds. Pretend you are carrying a book on your dead during the exercise. Loaded carries will boost your center hip stability, your back and grip power, and full body conditioning.
Real Workout Routines That Work

7. Front and side planks

This is the best foundation training exercise. Planks help to prevent movements to the core and stabilize both the hips and lower back. Sit-ups and crunches can damage the discs in your spine so try plank variations to maintain core stability.
Rather than holding a moderately inactive plank, you can draw your elbows towards your toes, straighten out your legs, and squeeze your glutes to create your own tension.
What are your favorite ways to workout?
Share your thoughts and comments with us.

Real Workout Routines that Work  - Working out is not about just about banging several #exercises together haphazardly and getting hot and sweaty, instead is requires a specific know-how approach.  Here are 7 exercises you can utilize in your full body workout.  #workout  #exercises  #fitness  #workoutroutines