Addiction and substance abuse are challenging and complicated conditions to heal. Approximately 10% of the US population struggle with addiction. If someone in your world needs help with substance abuse, they have several levels of care and treatment to consider. This summary of addiction treatment options may help highlight the best path for your situation.




When you think of addiction rehab, the residential model is what you probably envision. With program lengths of three to eight weeks, these inpatient facilities vary widely in cost, services, and amenities. Lower-end facilities are often more rustic, hands-on models where patients participate in meal preparation and other tasks. High-end facilities might include resort amenities and wellness services. Clients generally participate in addiction education, group therapy, and individual therapy. Medical monitoring and psychiatric supervision are commonly provided.

Addiction Treatment Options: Which Level is Right for You?

Extended-Care Residential

This long-term, intensive model emphasizes social interaction and personal responsibility in addition to counseling and education. Extended-care programs may be offered alone or as extensions to programs offered at conventional . With durations of six to twelve months, extended-care programs allow for deep personal work and supervised, long-term abstinence from addictive substances. This model has shown somewhat higher abstinence results than other levels of rehabilitation.

Addiction Treatment Options: Which Level is Right for You?

Intensive Outpatient

These non-residential programs are part of a day-treatment model that generally includes education and group therapy along with homework and 12-step involvement. This program works best for individuals who have well-intact social and professional support systems. Without those structures in place, a residential model would be a better choice.

Addiction Treatment Options: Which Level is Right for You?

Private Addiction Counseling

This level is available to anyone and doesn’t require participation in any type of addiction program. The client meets the therapist generally between two and eight times per month. The therapist will often initiate abstinence contracts with clients to support sobriety. Private counseling is often part of an ongoing treatment plan following a more intensive level of treatment.

Addiction Treatment Options: Which Level is Right for You?

Criminal Justice Alternative

Substance use and legal problems frequently appear together. Incarceration models have begun to integrate addiction treatment alternatives. If an offender receives a six-month jail sentence, the drug-court might offer no jail time and a 30-day treatment program with one year of monitoring and drug testing. These programs work in conjunction with residential drug treatment centers. The model show promising recidivism rates when compared to incarceration models.

Addiction is considered one of the most difficult medical conditions to heal. As the field of addiction medicine continues to evolve, more treatment options will emerge. If someone you know needs help with addiction, this overview of treatment levels may help you in your search for support. Help is available among these distinct approaches to anyone who needs help with addiction.


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 Addiction Treatment Options: Which Level is Right for You? - If someone in your world needs help with substance abuse, they have several levels of care and treatment to consider. This summary of addiction treatment options may help highlight the best path for your situation.  #addiction  #addictiontreatment  #substanceabuse  #rehab   #rehabilitation