No matter what type of allergies you are experiencing, it is safe to say that we can all agree that they are not pleasant. While allergies are not pleasant no matter what type of allergy they are, it is important to understand the difference between environmental allergies vs. seasonal allergies. By being educated on environmental and , it will be easier for you to treat your symptoms and to work with your doctor.
When you experience symptoms like a runny nose and itchy eyes, it can be a sign of environmental allergies, or it may be seasonal allergies. It is important to understand the difference between the two, so you know what type of allergies are bothering you.

While #allergies are not pleasant no matter what type of #allergy they are, it is important to understand the difference between #environmental allergies vs. #seasonal allergies. This will make it be easier for you to treat your symptoms.Click To Tweet

Explanation of Seasonal Allergies

Environmental VS. Seasonal Allergy Symptoms  
There are different times throughout the year when allergies strike depending on the allergy that triggers your reaction. While it is true that some people may outgrow their allergies, it is also true that some people will develop allergies as they get older.
People who begin to suffer from are often dealing with pollen allergies. The fine powder is transferred from plant to plant by the wind and anything else it can attach itself to. During mild winters symptoms may begin sooner than in years with a normal winter.
Common symptoms of seasonal allergies are a runny nose, itchy eyes, congestion, sneezing, and sore throat as well as ears popping and the feeling of fatigue.
Since there are many different types of pollen, you may notice you are experiencing different reactions. Tree pollen sufferers usually experience the worst symptoms during spring while grass pollen sufferer usually feels worse in later spring and during summer months.
You can search online to find out what type of allergen is plaguing your zip code in real time so you know if you are experiencing symptoms from seasonal allergies or if you may want to look into environmental allergies.
If you are dealing with seasonal allergies, you may want to wear a mask to protect yourself from the allergens that irritate you the most. Antihistamines are often helpful if you begin taking them before seasonal allergies hit but they can still be helpful even if you don’t start them as early as you should.

Explanation of Environmental Allergies


Environmental VS. Seasonal Allergy Symptoms  

Dealing with environmental allergies are a whole other matter since they are dealt with all year around. Some of these allergies may be allergies to dust mites, pet dander or cockroaches. There are ways to keep allergies at bay even without medication and here are some ideas for you.

1) Get rid of old mattresses.

If you keep old mattresses, you are likely to be collecting allergens. Changing out your mattress regularly can help you get a better night’s sleep which leads to a better waking day and more functionality. If you keep a mattress too long, not only can it hurt your bones, but it can collect harmful substances and cause respiratory issues.

2) Shower at the end of the day.

Even if you are a person that loves to shower in the morning, you should shower allergens off before you go to bed. If you take allergens to bed with you on your skin and in your hair, you can cause a lot of irritation overnight. If you use too many scented soaps and shampoos you may be preventing a good night’s rest so keep those to a minimum to get the best rest allergy free.

3) Irrigate Your Nasal Passageway

Rinsing out your nasal passageway is a great way to clear congestion and get your breathing abilities back. There are different solutions you can pick up from the store to use in a pot like a Neti pot, or you may choose to make your own solution at home. Make sure to follow instructions about how to best irrigate the nasal passageways to keep from experiencing discomfort when using nasal irrigation techniques at home.

4) No Open Windows

While you might be tempted to open the windows on a particularly beautiful day, you should keep them closed, so you don’t allow allergens in through the windows. Use the air conditioner to keep your home at a comfortable temperature.

5) Use an Air Purifier

Air purifiers with a HEPA filter will allow you to breathe the cleanest air possible. There are many different products you can choose from, but the important thing is you make sure you get a filter that is going to be able to filter the air in the size of the room you have. You may need multiple filters if you have a large room and you definitely want to have filters in each room in which you spend a lot of time.


Environmental VS. Seasonal Allergy Symptoms  
Whether you are dealing with environmental allergies or seasonal allergies, it is important that you know what you are dealing with. When you understand your challenge, you will be able to seek the right treatment. If you aren’t working with a doctor, you may find it more challenging to identify the source. There are developments taking places that will allow you to take control of your health without needing to run to the doctor every time you experience a challenge.
Learning is the key to experiencing life at its best whether you are suffering from seasonal allergies or not.

Do you or a loved one suffer from environmental or seasonal allergies?
Share your thoughts and comments with us.

Environmental VS. Seasonal Allergy Symptoms - While #allergies are not pleasant no matter what type of #allergy they are, it is important to understand the difference between #environmental allergies vs. #seasonal allergies. This will make it  be easier for you to treat your symptoms.   #seasonalallergies   #allergysymptoms  #environmentalallergies  #allergy #sneezing #runnynose